Daddy Clanger (imc) wrote,
Daddy Clanger

And the rest of Texas

There are those who believe that having children is all about bodily excretions and projectile vomit. Well it's much worse when the adult you're living with gets sick…

So anyway, on the Tuesday we were going to check out Houston Children's Museum before meeting preternatural for lunch and then perhaps drive down to Galveston to investigate the beach. Instead, after we switched hotel rooms so that they could clean the old one, bopeepsheep spent the day in bed while I took smallclanger to the Woodlands Children's Museum, from which I posted the pictures the other day. We chose that one on preternatural's advice as it was easier to get to without someone to read the map. We spent a fair while there and got our $10-worth, though smallclanger wanted mostly to stay in the big house and play in the kitchen with the plastic food.

After a small detour caused by me taking completely the wrong road out of the complex, we stopped at A&W for a quick lunch (that ended up taking 15 minutes to arrive) and then went back to the hotel.

On Wednesday we didn't have to take the car back until 3.30pm, so the original idea was to leave the hotel quite early and check out the Space Center or, failing that, the Children's Museum. In the event we left late and went in search of a craft store and then some exotic fruit drinks (brought to us on roller skates) before making our way to the airport.

So we walked around the terminal area and sat around for a bit, then got on a plane for eight hours. As bopeepsheep was taking the stroller to get checked in, she discovered they were checking passports as well, so took all three passports to the desk to get checked (but how do they do that without the passport's owner being present?). Once we were seated she told me that the person there couldn't find the green I94(W) in my passport, so she had said I didn't have a green form as I had a visa, so he stopped looking. In fact I did have a white I94 in there, so it's a good job I noticed before the aircraft doors had been closed. An attendant said she would give the form to an agent as it's apparently not the done thing for passengers to just nip out once they have boarded. Let's hope this did happen, as otherwise it'll be another couple of hours in the secondary immigration office next time I try to travel to the USA.

My attempt to play a DVD for smallclanger was foiled by a laptop battery that lasted 10 minutes then suddenly went down to 5% (then lasted another 20 minutes anyway) and another one that had been charged up before we left Oxford but didn't seem to have any power left in it. But the flight passed without incident (except some screaming from a little girl two or three rows back) and we were picked up at the other end by bopeepsheep's Dad and brought back home to spend the rest of the day in zombieness.


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