smallclanger: I spy with my little eye-der* something beginning with t. imc: [smallclanger's name]? smallclanger: No, it's a lowercase t not a capital t! smallclanger: Also, it begins with t and it ends with t. imc: Thomas? (Completely forgetting the rules for a moment). smallclanger: No. But you are half right, because it does begin with t. [imc and bopeepsheep fail to guess the right answer] smallclanger: It's something that my bell+ came in. bopeepsheep: Is it a packet? smallclanger: Yes. Oh! I meant it begins with p, not t!
smallclanger: I spy with my little eye-der something beginning with A. imc: Is it armco barrier? smallclanger: What's armco barrier? imc: It's the wall in the middle of the motorway. smallclanger: Yes, that's right! It was armco barrier. imc: How could it be that if you didn't even know what it was? smallclanger: Actually no, it wasn't that. imc: Is it "a monster"? smallclanger: No, that doesn't begin with A. bopeepsheep: What if his name was Algernon? smallclanger: Yes! It is Algernon the monster.
* He insists this is how you say it if you correct him. I think I may, once, have said as a joke, in the context of either a Spiderman toy or a rubber spider that he once brought home from school or something like that, "I spider, with my little eyeder…"
+ A bell that was bought to put on his bicycle a couple of weeks ago, and he took it home with him in the car but clearly left the card, on which it was mounted, in the car.