Daddy Clanger (imc) wrote,
Daddy Clanger

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so yeah, like, what happened this week?

Our new(ish) MDG broke the 500-mile (since we got it) barrier on Monday - just before we arrived in Witney to visit T's grandparents. It was T's first trip outside the city limits (well, if we count BBL as being in the city), and in fact also our first drive outside the city limits since the first day we got the car. Incidentally, it had averaged 37.5 miles to the gallon (13.3kpl) at the last refill (August 3rd).

Baby seems to like the car, which is good news as we might be going on some long trips later in the year (we might even take him to the Mindlands to see Auntie M in October). Strap him into his seat, and he's fast asleep within minutes. Usually, anyway.

We took him out again last night to see a few of the Wesley Mem regulars at H&M's `house cooling' (nice idea) party - M has got a plush librarian's job at the University of Dundee so they'll be away within a couple of weeks. Ah well. When people leave Wesley Mem they find it very hard to stay away forever (although it has to be said that moving to New Zealand, as in the case of H's brother, is a jolly good attempt at it).

My brother and his wife stopped by on Saturday - just popping in on their way from Kent to Scotland, as you do. I don't think we've actually seen them since December, although my memory could be playing tricks, and she was rather ill back then, so it was nice to see her better. We went out to the local Beefeater for a late lunch; sister-in-law mentioned to the waiter that she had food allergies and a couple of minutes later the waiter reappeared with a big wad of paper containing a printout (in rather small type) of a spreadsheet matching all the menu items to various allergens. Which was nice. Apparently the salmon salad was safe for her to eat, so she did.

Tired. We seem to have had a couple of disturbed nights. T didn't settle till about 1.30 this morning, then had a feed and nappy change at 4.30 or so and took another hour to stop fussing. Yesterday the postman rang the doorbell at 7.15am (apparently J has been clicking on websites again!) which is all very convenient if you went to bed at 11 and are due in work at 8.30 but not quite so fine for a house with a small sleepless baby. . .

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