On January 4th, unseen, unnoticed, my passport expired. (Does anyone know whether they accept home-printed (on photo paper, natch) photographs, or do you have to go to an actual photo booth? This might be fun with smallclanger.)
On Monday it was back to work, doing usual things (such as failing to get up early enough owing in part to waily baby who won't sleep through the night). And so the week continued, until Wednesday afternoon when bopeepsheep developed, among other things, a severe migraine and I sloped out of work early. The next morning I was on my way out when she asked me if I could stay at home. I emailed an explanation to `niceboss C' who eventually replied that it was OK for me to work at home. So I haven't taken a day of leave, although the amount of work I actually did wasn't that much. He did also say that I should make an effort to avoid working from home on consecutive days, so I did go to work on Friday although bopeepsheep would have much preferred me to stay at home. It's not that I like leaving her, but I also don't really want to antagonise work (particularly after the events last year and also because I'm already the worst timekeeper in the office). Essentially, if it falls under the administrator's radar then it's OK, and if it doesn't then I may get another talking-to.
On the Monday I was reminded by L that this weekend was a games weekend. In fact, although we knew that there was to be one some time in January, we had no idea of the date - so the reminder came somewhat unexpectedly (L was convinced we'd had an IRL discussion about it, but we are equally convinced that we hadn't. Because she thought we already knew, the reminder came as a note on a game rather than as a proper email). Anyway, we finally made it out of the house some time after 10:30am on Saturday morning to travel to Telford, arriving just in time for lunch (and a game of Simpsons Clue [the US version - hence the title, which is usually Cluedo in the UK]) and the weekend went pretty well despite the short notice. Unfortunately bopeepsheep was still feeling somewhat below par, but still managed to get some enjoyment out of it. smallclanger was an angel, for the most part, and so now we have even more friends who refuse to believe he can ever be grumpy. Over the weekend he polished off a pot of pumpkin and potato and a pot of apple and bilberry [or was it blueberry? Can't remember - but it was quite a deep purple colour].
We played:
Simpsons Clue - it's just Cluedo with different names for the people, things and places. I like it but don't often have the chance to play (we had a set when I still lived with my parents - it's probably still there - but certain people didn't like it so it didn't come out very often; a couple of years back there was a play-by-email version by Hasbro, but it relied on a central game server which sadly was taken down not long after Hasbro went under). This is because I'm quite good at it, and in fact I won the game.
Notability - this comes with a mini electronic piano and lots of cards with numbers on. You have to play the tune to your team mates and see if they can guess what it is. I don't think I've ever been on the losing team for that one.
Planet Hollywood - the questions ask you to name films belonging to a certain category (for example, films with monsters, films with weekdays in the title or Woody Allen films) and once you've named one you pass the buck to the opposing team. For some reason our team won both matches.
Chronology - cards have a year and an event on them (for example: 1905 Einstein formulated his theory of Special Relativity); you get told the event and then have to place it correctly on your timeline, and if you get it correct then the card is added to your timeline.
Wits End - related to Trivial Pursuit but with a different shaped board; it has several square circuits and you have to get promoted progressively to the centre of the board by landing on a space next to an arrow and answering the question correctly.
Skribble - one person reads (to himself) the name of an object or profession or person from a card and then has to describe to the others how to draw it (in terms of circles, lines, heart shapes, and so on), and they have to guess what it is they are drawing. I came second to bopeepsheep.
Knowing Me, Knowing You - one person answers five questions about his or her preferences, and so do the other players. Points are given if the answers match up. Surprisingly enough, I had most matches with bopeepsheep.
Atmosfear - something that would be a rather boring board game (throwing the die, moving, picking up cards where necessary and obeying them) if not for the accompanying video which provides a timer and frequent interruptions from the `gatekeeper'. I wasn't dead impressed with this (it probably appeals more to teenagers) and also didn't get anywhere in the game.
Chrononauts - which got quite a good reception, I think.
And a couple of card games (knockout whist, black mariah and cheat).
Sadly, several of the games remained unopened as we ran out of time.
It took us a bit longer than usual to get home as we had to drive past the scene of an accident on the M42 and only the right-hand lane was open. We probably arrived quite soon after it had taken place as the queue was far less long than it might have been. There was gravel from the central reservation all over the road.