Daddy Clanger (imc) wrote,
Daddy Clanger

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Picking up the (collapsed) pushchair to try to put the brakes on* with my hand wasn't very sensible, as I just ended up dropping it on my hand and taking a piece of skin off a knuckle. But never mind - it'll heal in a few days.
 * Why do I want the brakes on when it's collapsed? So it will stand up against a wall without rolling away.

Applying some adhesive to the edge of a broken tile by running my finger along it was a bit silly. Fortunately I only lost a bit of surface skin. Mind you, breaking the tile was something that ought not to have happened in the first place.

Allowing smallclanger to climb up in his pushchair without holding it to make sure it remained steady was stupid. Luckily he had a soft landing and the only injury was to his pride. He still let out a deafening cry, though, and disrupted the Bishop of Oxford's sermon!

But the most boneheaded manoeuvre of the day was merrily drilling holes to put up a shelf on a kitchen wall without thinking that since this same wall has a light switch and two electrical sockets mounted on it I ought to be a bit wary of buried cables. "Why won't this xxxing drill go through this wall? Ah, finally. There seems to be a hollow bit here. Bit further…" *flash* *pop* "Bugger. Won't be able to use that drill bit again, then." Out went every electrical socket in the house - including televisions, Internet servers and the slow cooker, which was half way through cooking our dinner. Arse. Well dinner's probably OK because the cooker is still on - but losing the fridge and freezer is a bit of a nightmare.

I went to the RCCB fuse box and gingerly turned the circuit back on. It didn't trip, so our food and Internet access are safe for the time being. But will we have to take half the plaster and tiles off the kitchen wall to inspect the damage? Common sense takes a few minutes to prevail. Fortunately we won't - that's why such useful things as conduits exist. In theory all we have to do is (with the circuit turned back off, obviously) un-wire the wall socket and pull the wire out from above, then replace it with a nice new length of hole-free wire. And we'll fill up the hole in the wall, put the shelf up a couple of inches to the right and pretend it never happened.

One problem: the bedroom above this conduit is one that we can't even get into at the moment because it's full of junk right up to (and including) the doorway. Whether it's me doing it or a professional electrician, we can't get it done until a whole load of stuff has been moved (and that probably includes the ton of laminate which still hasn't made it on to the floor of the nursery).

I suppose in the mean time we may as well obey the last sentence in the previous-but-one paragraph anyway.

I oughtn't to be allowed out, you know. (As gjm and Mrs gjm discovered one day in July 2000 when they happened to be in the car that I was driving from Indianapolis to Metamora.) Actually I probably shouldn't be allowed to stay in, either.

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